Monday 2 February 2009


It is snowy here in Skipton and today we have bought the boys a sledge. Lachie rode it home from town with Robert pulling and Hamish went proper sledging after school in the park across from our house.
I have been thinking about scones ever since I saw Kirstie and Phil talking to some prospective house purchasers on Channel 4 last week. There on a little table in the foreground was a plate heaped with scones. Hmm, I wanted those scones! So scones have been on my mind and seemed like a good post-sledging tea. I made some gluten-free scones and some 'normal' scones and Robert thought the gluten-free ones looked much tastier, sort of golden. And they were indeed very tasty.

Scones (free from gluten, dairy and egg)

12oz gluten-free self-raising flour
4oz caster sugar
3oz dairy-free margarine
8floz soya milk

Mix together the flour and caster sugar. Rub in the margarine as though you were going to make pastry and then stir in the soya milk - add about 6floz at first and then add a bit more if you need it. I used about 8floz, but you might need more or less depending on your flour. Pat out the dough onto a floured surface to an inch thick and cut out 2 inch diameter circles. I managed 12 scones. Put the scones on a greased baking sheet and bake at 180 degrees celsius for 15 minutes. Cool the scones on a wire rack.

Lachie is very particular about crusts and insists that all the crusts are cut off his toast at breakfast and lunch. If you miss a bit he will shout 'Bit!' or 'Crust!' and leave the entire offending piece of toast next to his plate. If he's feeling more cooperative he might just pick off the 'bit' after alerting you to its presence. He gets this from me, but I don't feel the need to tell anybody about crusts, I just leave them on my plate. Anyway, I would never really have thought of a scone having a crust, but according to Lachie it does and, whilst enjoying his scone with raspberry jam very much, he did leave the 'crusts' on his plate. To further prove just how little he understands scones he went on to have a second with, wait for it, Marmite! I don't think he's ready for a trip to Betty's just yet.

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